
The Dance of the Emperor

Americans expect their politicians to be relativist liars, regardless of party. The skill-set of deception is the only one that allows consistent ascension to party leadership. This is why corrupt senators are elected again and again despite scandals; their power to deliver money to their state tends to outweigh their obvious lack of principles in the minds of enough voters. And thus it goes for presidents as well.

But that calculating power that drives re-election and power maintenance requires someone to be home behind the mask.

Trump’s rallies were once, at the height of his popularity, a safe place to hold court before his strongest supporters. Now, though, they falter. His mask is harder to maintain. It can only be sustained for shorter periods.

The above video is like watching reality skip one too many projector frames. It seems like the usual dog-and-pony show at first… until it doesn’t, and it’s Trump swaying for over half an hour. This would be alarming behavior for the even most devout televangelist.

The emperor with no clothes dances, and no one dares tell him otherwise.