Game Design Gaming PC Reviews Writings

The Long Dark, Appreciated

Little has transpired lately that cheers me, so here, I have decided to praise something that I like. I’ve been using Steam to buy PC games for over a decade. The best one in my alarmingly large collection is, by any measure, The Long Dark. It has been in Early Access since at least 2015, […]

Argumentation Politics Short Essays Writings

The Authoritarian Mirage

Oh no! The Atlantic has revealed there are undiscovered authoritarians on the left! Hide the children! I read bad studies all the time, but this one is particularly bad. Witness: Costello and his colleagues started fresh. They developed what eventually became a list of 39 statements capturing sentiments such as “We need to replace the […]

Argumentation Politics Short Essays Writings

The Dark Mark and the Fantasy Theme

In J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books, all of the hardcore inner-circle followers of Voldemort, the so-called Death Eaters, have a permanent brand on their left forearm, the Dark Mark. It serves as a perverse badge of honor and a way for Voldy to summon them to him quickly, or vice versa. All the DE are […]